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My life is an adventure.

Before I could walk or talk, I flew. My parents and grandparents used to take my brother and me to Sanibel Island and the Colorado Rockies every year. As I got older, I'd hunt for seashells, ride the waves, bury my brother in the sand, and every evening, we'd sit on the beach and watch the sun slip into the ocean. Coming from the Midwest, the warm salty air was energizing.

As a kid, the Rockies were like a thrill ride. I experienced the adrenaline-pumping rush of white-water rafting, the thrill of mountain climbing and hiking, and the exhilaration of riding horseback over rugged mountain terrain next to terrifyingly steep drop-offs. I learned the beauty of taking the road less traveled at a young age and I loved every second of it.


Then, my father passed away suddenly when I was in college and my world was turned upside down. I took to heart something he always used to say to me. "Life is an adventure. Go out there and attack each day and do everything you can to live life to the fullest." I decided to make it my mission to see new things, immerse myself in other cultures, and experience every crazy adventure that comes my way.

I started planning trips for my family and friends and then, friends of friends. Before I knew it, my passion turned into a career, and when I found my happy place as a Disney Travel Specialist, I found my calling. It doesn't hurt that I'm a ridiculously organized, task-oriented extrovert with an unhealthy addiction to spreadsheets. Or that my style of customer service is "old school" and my attention to detail borders on obsessive.

As my clientele grew and I started getting requests for destinations outside Disney, I knew I had to broaden my scope. I've worked hard to form close relationships with tour operators, cruise lines, resorts, and hotels all over the globe. So, wherever my clients travel, they will be cared for with exclusive perks and upgrades.


My clients know I go the extra mile, whether their trip is long or short, near or far. They trust me, and that means the world. So, when they return excited to share their stories and pictures, I'm so grateful to have made this my life's adventure.


My dad would be over the moon.

My clients have
me at hello.

When you choose to work with me, you get my undivided attention. I offer a complimentary exploratory meeting to unpack your travel preferences and needs. I want to hear where you have gone in the past and what you enjoyed and didn't enjoy about those trips. Why you are traveling now. Whether you are looking for adventure or relaxation. Are you comfortable taking taxis and trains, or prefer a tour? I also like to know if I need to consider anyone with special needs or allergies. It never ceases to amaze me how much I can learn and how what you may think is a minor detail can take your vacation to the next level.

Us in Numbers


Clients’ Income during the Last Quarter


Industry Awards


Business Partners in over 30 Countries


Years of Experience

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